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Player Movement Programmer / UI programmer


The plan is simple.

Get into the museum, walk to the priced diamond at the back of the building, and steal it! Problem is, however, that the museum guards are sure to come for you as soon as you steal the diamond.

Smash it and grab it!




6 people


Shooter, Action




10 Days







This was a game jam I did together with some friends in Unity.


I did the player movement and the damage system for the diamond case.


The player can walk, sprint, jump, wall-run, slide and dash.

The system is built as a state machine

I started to add the walking movement to the fps controller and then added the sprint. 

After I got that to feel as I wanted which was a pretty fast paste movement I moved on to the  dash and slide. The dash was a pretty fast implementatin since I did not wanted anything more then a faster movement for a short timeperiod.

The sliding lenght and height took some time for me to get it to feel smooth. I tested it and tweaked the numbers in my testing scene for a long time until I manage to get the feel to my liking. The code itself was working fine but it was hard to get it to feel smooth and not stiff.

The last thing I added was the wall-run, this was definitly the hardest part to get working as I wanted. From the start of the wall-run I made some mistakes so when the player jumped of the wall, he either flew over my testing wall or inside the wall. This was a mistake with how I was handling the force when the player jumped with the ridgidbody. This was the first time I did a player controller using ridigidbody so it took some time and some research before I understood how to do it.

After I had everything implemented I downloaded the asset Dotween and added some tilting to the camera when wall-running and some changes to the field of view when dashing. 



Code snippets 



This was my first project were I did a player controller using rigidbodys. I had not so much experience with rigidbodys at all but I wanted to learn how to use them and how to use them to add different forces to get different results. That is also why I choose to use rigidbody to the diamond case and to add force to the pieces when the player breaks the case. I enjoyed working with rigidbody and after a lot of trial and error I think I have a good understanding how to use  them in the future.  

Even though the game itself is not working as intended I am very happy with my work and very happy about my learnings about making an fps controller during this project.

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